The Austin Community College District (ACC), the 6th largest in the United States, is a nationally recognized two- and four-year public community college system serving the Austin, Texas, metropolitan area and surrounding Central Texas communities. The college maintains numerous campuses, centers, and distance learning options to serve over 70,000 students in academic, continuing education, and adult education programs annually. ACC’s mission is to promote student success and community development through open door access to an affordable college education for those who want to earn a degree, learn a marketable skill, and advance their careers and serve. The college seeks to serve as the catalyst for social equity, economic development, and personal enrichment.
“Data management and data integration are a ‘constant’ in the life of any data-driven organization. Austin Community College requires continuous evaluation for effectiveness and cost considerations. Partnering with Informatica for us, is a strategic decision that will facilitate and augment our ongoing digital transformation.”
- Reduce the time and cost of managing student information.
- Support near real-time application integration.
- Integrate data between on-premises and cloud.
- Drive digital and cloud transformation to enhance student experiences while supporting growing data needs across the college.
- Create a single view of every prospective and active student to help streamline communication with them.
- Save time, reduce costs, and improve agility by moving away from point-to-point and application-specific integrations.
- Use Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS), an iPaaS (integration platform as a service) solution, for data and application integration, data quality, and API management.
- Master student data using Informatica, creating golden records that are independent from applications.
- IICS enables Salesforce to integrate with Okta, resulting in granting students the ability to access student systems in seconds rather than the previous experience of 24 to 48 hours.
- Enable a hub-and-spoke, publish-subscribe data model by orchestrating data flows through Informatica Integration Hub.
- Helps improve educational experiences by giving students, faculty, and staff faster access to trusted information.
- Enables the college to improve communications with students by better understanding their goals and educational trajectory.
Products & Services
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
Informatica Cloud Application Integration
Cloud Data Integration
Informatica API Management
Informatica Change Data Capture
Informatica Integration Hub
Success Stories
Rutgers University
Rutgers University
University of Michigan Ross School of Business
University of Michigan Ross School of Business
Fresno Pacific University
Fresno Pacific University